Sunday, May 6, 2018

Jerolman, M, Week 2

Welcome back to week 2 in Entertainment Media and Sports Marketing ! 
   What another great week in class, learning more and more everyday we get to come to class. We got to speak to some more great people and listen to our classmates while they facilitated the books we are reading. 
On Monday I was one of the first people to facilitate about the three books we are readying, Entertainment Marketing the definitive guide, Why We Play, and Entertainment Industry. 
   When discussing the Entertainment Marketing definitive guide, I learned so much just from the first couple chapters. My main focus when facilitating to the class was talking about Marketing in Movies. The most interesting aspect to me was the high concept films and how important it is in the entertainment marketing industry. Movies is all about marketing and getting people to actually watch the movie. In the book, they discussed that the movies Jaws was an attention grabbing, moviegoer film that everyone knows about.

   When discussing one of the other books we read, Why We Play,
I thoroughly enjoyed reading about how another millennial feels while being an athlete. Personally, I have always considered myself an athlete my whole life growing up, for the reason that I have played some many different sports. In high school, I was a three-sport varsity athlete and succeeded in all 3 of my sports. When senior year came and I chose to play D3 hockey in college I felt like I maybe wasn’t so much of an athlete anymore because I was playing Division III hockey. But once getting to college and experiencing how much time and effort goes into my sport, Division III is the same as Division I, and we are all certainly athletes. Tying that back into what Sharara (2017) wrote about, she feels like if you have a body you are an athlete. She believes that working out and exercising makes you an athlete. That made me feel really good about myself because I feel like I work really hard to be fit and in shape! I truly related to her in that aspect, while I am really excited to finish her book.

   Besides the reading aspect of this week, we had the pleasure of meeting with Paul Burke, who works at Corning Incorporated dealing with sports, IP, trademark and copyright basics. Paul Burke was a very well-spoken individual who has an immense amount of knowledge about copyright laws. This topic also tied into our other book, Entertainment Industry that talks about the laws behind copyright in the entertainment industry. Paul Burke touched based on trademarks in sports and that if a sports team is publically owned, they have to publically share their numbers with anyone and everyone (online). He mentions that at Corning they care about trademarks because they were challenged by taking out diverse businesses each either their own unique brands and taglines- and making one single brand

I really learned a lot this week and am excited for the next couple of weeks!!!!
Thanks for reading, 
Maddy J 

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